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Subject Line: Protect my family from BPA in our food
Body: Dear Senator/Representative,
As your constituent, I urge you to protect our food from toxic chemicals by encouraging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to restrict uses or revoke the approval for Bisphenol-A (BPA).
Many people believe that BPA is no longer a problem—but it’s all around us. BPA is leaching into our food during processing and packaging, as well as from things we use every day, like canned foods and drinks and hard plastic storage containers.
Scientists warn that we’re currently being exposed to BPA levels that are hundreds of times greater than what’s considered safe.
Even at very low levels of exposure, BPA can disrupt our immune system and hormones, damage our lungs, harm reproduction, increase the risk of breast cancer, and impair learning and memory.
And now the latest research shows that girls exposed to BPA during fetal development are more likely to develop asthma when they reach school age.
In May 2022, FDA filed a petition by a group of environmental health advocacy groups asking the agency to review new data on the safety of BPA. It’s been almost two years now—well past the response deadline set by law—but FDA still hasn’t acted.
In the meantime, the European Commission has released a proposal to ban BPA in all food-contact materials.
So now we need your help to ensure FDA will keep our families safe from harmful chemicals like BPA in our food. Please let FDA know that you expect the agency to respond to the BPA petition and to revoke its approvals of this toxic chemical.
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