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Subject Line: Protect my family from propylparaben in pastries
Body: Dear Senator/Representative,
As your constituent, I urge you to protect our food from toxic chemicals by supporting the Food Chemical Reassessment Act of 2021.
Right now, the FDA’s science on toxic chemicals in our food is tragically out of date, putting families like mine at risk. Chemicals that disrupt our hormones, cause harm to our brains, and impair reproduction still appear on supermarket shelves and escape review by regulators. For example, propylparaben, a hormone disrupting chemical, is found in packaged cookies, cinnamon rolls, and tortillas. The FDA must urgently reassess the safety of such chemicals in our food.
By passing this bill, you will require the FDA to fulfill its duties to protect our food supply and help ensure our food is safe to eat. Please put the safety of American families first and pass this much-needed piece of legislation.
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